Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Works Cited

'Ancient China Han Dynasty, Ancient Chinese Han Dynasty.' Ancient China Life: Dynasties, Arts, Religion, Society, Sports, Law, Ancient Chinese Life. Web. 15 Feb. 2011. .
Art, Suzanne Strauss. The Story of Ancient China. Pemblewick, 2001. Print.
Bce, 157. 'Han Dynasty.' Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 15 Feb. 2011. .
Carnine, Douglas. World History Ancient Civilizations. Evanston, IL: McDougal Littell, 2006. Print."

If you were the ruler of a Dynaty what kind of rules would you have? Why?

If you could choose any job in the Han Dynasty which one would it be? Why?

Friday, February 11, 2011

What was the Han Dynasty daily life like?

Most of the Han society lived or worked on farmers. Farmers lived in villages near the farms were they work. their homes were usually made of mud brick and were one or two storeys tall. Only a few rich farmers had an ox or two to pull the plows, but the poor farmers had to pull the plows themselves.I couldn't imagine how tiring it would have been to pull a plow all day, Could you? 

Han Dynasty farmer


Where did people in the Han Dynasty live?

People in the Han Dynasty lived mostly in the city, although a few lived in the country. The cities were center of trade, education, and government. many people lived there including merchants, crafts people and government officials. Their cities were not too different from our cities today.
                              Ancient china village